To install wget on a “data” parition:
export PKG_TMPDIR=/mnt/usb-data/temp pkg_add -r wget -P /mnt/usb-data/pkg
Now we need a script to create the symlinks to the wget binaries in the “pkg” directory:
nano /mnt/usb-data/hooks.sh
Here’s the content:
#!/bin/sh ln -s /mnt/usb-data/pkg/bin/wget /bin/wget
Now make it run at boot time, go in System —> Advanced —> Command scripts and enter:
Select PostInit and that’s it! Everytime you reboot your FreeNAS server the symlinks will be re-created!
For bash, add this in the “hooks.sh” script:
# .bashrc for root ln -s /mnt/usb-data/bashrc /root/.bashrc # .bashrc for regular user ln -s /mnt/usb-data/bashrc /mnt/.bashrc # automatically load bash for root on login (not clean but works) echo "bash --init-file /mnt/usb-data/bashrc" >> /root/.cshrc # automatically load bash for regular user on login (not clean but works) echo "bash --init-file /mnt/usb-data/bashrc" >> /mnt/.cshrc
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